Newsletter Version 23/08/2010

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Dear Chinese energy therapy friends:

Welcome to the latest Chinerchi news letter!

In this letter I would like to share some information about Health mistakes people make in the Modern western world and the latest healing stories from the Chinese energy therapy clinic.

10 Health mistakes people make in the Modern western world:

1  Drinking ice cold drinks straight from the fridge it can Cool the blood is bad for digestion  bad  for blood circulation and weakens the immune system especially bad for asthma patients

2  Over eating protein food, makes the body too acidic and undigested protein can become toxic in your body.

3 Eating big meals at night, it goes against the  bodies natural time table and is bad for digestion and bad for sleep.

4  Over exercising when the body is tired. Good health means good energy when the energy is low exercise will drain energy .

5  When you  are sick or tired an over indulgent sex life can deplete energy not good for healing.  

6  Believing emotional health and physical health are separate from each other.

In Chinese medicine all organs hold emotions. Physical health and emotional health are one..

7  Valuing independence and privacy over family and social connection. The human connection makes us feel safe and loved. This is the best medicine

8  Believing you only need a doctor when you have medical conditions. In Chinese medicine the best doctors treat people before they get sick.

9   Overvaluing  the power of medicine and medical surgery. Not looking at the side effects.

10  Believing anti-aging is reducing wrinkles and improving sexual power.Using creams, surgery and Viagra. The best anti-aging is to heal chronic health problems

Healing Story


Loosing hair

I am 48 years old. For last 15 years, I  have been gradually loosing hair . I try many kinds of treatments before, but they did not work.  After 7 energy therapies and  3 implant acupuncture treatments, I found that my hair going back.

Prostate Cancer


I am 74 years old . On the 11th of september 2006 I went to my doctor and found out that I have prostate caner. My PSA blood reading was 68. The normal range is 0 -10. I then had further tests which showed that my cancer was spreading in my body and that my doctor thought that I was not suitable for radiotherapy or chemotherapy. I have only been given a 3 injections from doctor. The rest of my treatment has been given chinese energy therapy. My energy levels are better and lastest blood test shows a big improvement. My blood reading for prostate cancer is down to 13 from 68 in just two months. After about 20 months of treatments my PSA is now down to under 1. I used to gets up 2-3 times a night to go to the toilet. Now I get up once or sometimes none at all.

I am intending to keep up my treatment with Angela. I feel much better both physically and mentally.


Barrie L. 26 August 2008


Chinese face map reading

How to choose the best therapy?

How Chinerchi therapy works?

What is healthy food?

The next workshop will be Sunday 12th. September from 2- 4p.m.

If you would like to attend this free health education seminar please call and book your place as numbers are limited.

5 Jacaranda Ave

Beach haven

Value $195 book your places today FREE