High Blood Pressure – Patient had been on medication for the last 10 years and now he has free from medication

High Blood Pressure – Patient had been on medication for the last 10 years and now he has free from medication.

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Graeme is a 59 year old businessman. Who runs a medium size company and has lots of stress from work. He has a lot of drive but lacks energy. Graeme has a high blood pressure and has been taking medication for the last 10 years.

In August 2013 Graeme started Chinerchi Therapy. After about 12 treatments he has blood pressure of 140/80 down from 160 / 100. Graeme has now been free form the medication and sleeping better, eating healthier & feeling happier with good energy for work. Graeme does not have to get up during the night which gives him a better continuous sleep, ready for the next working day making him feel more relaxed and less stressed.


Review of the treatments

 High blood pressure patients don’t have to take medication for life.

If you look Graeme’s photos before and after to compare, you will notice that before treatment the face is deep red in colour.   This indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood and high levels of toxicity. The saggy chin indicates water retention and low energy.

 The wrinkles are caused by a lack of collagen in the dermis which lies directly under the skin.  This indicates that the body is not absorbing nutrients.

The photos taken after the series of treatments show that the face shape has lifted, the skin has become tight , the colour is vibrant, the saggy chin and wrinkles have disappeared.  These results have been achieved because the blood has an increased capacity to carry oxygen around the body.  And in turn, all the organs of the body are able to function better, allowing Graeme to feel more energetic and healthier.

High blood pressure is a symptom of your blood being too thick, or the blood vessels being too narrow. If we don’t treat it, the blood vessels could become blocked or burst causing a stroke or heart attack.  In western medicine, to manage high blood pressure, medication is prescribed for the remainder of the person’s life.

Chinerchi therapy works on the heart and liver energy, making sure the body can detox the blood and allow the circulation to flow better.  This makes the blood become clean and lighter, causing the pressure to go down. Medication becomes un- necessary.

The secret is to strengthen the internal organs. Your body can clean its own blood making the healing process simple.

Click here see video of this patient's testimonial